*Volunteers Needed* Disabled Access Patrol

Committee chair, Ken McNaughton, will head up early on Friday to establish a camp site. Those who wish to can join us Friday, or just drive up on Saturday morning.  We will patrol the routes on Boundary Mountain.   Whatever we didn’t finish on Saturday, we will complete on Sunday before returning home.  These annual route patrols are a vital service we provide that allows us a chance to not only inspect our wheelchair platforms for any needed maintenance, but also to cut away winter deadfall, ensuring that sportsmen/women with disabilities have access to the entire route provided.  It also gives us a chance to work side by side for a common good and enjoys each other’s company in the spirit of fellowship.  Don’t feel like you have to stay overnight on the mountain with us.  If you can only make it for the day – we would love to have you!    Contact Ken McNaughton for information and directions access@inwc.org  

Disabled Access Patrol *Volunteers Needed*

Committee chair, Ken McNaughton, will head up early on Friday to establish a camp site. Those who wish to can join us Friday, or just drive up on Saturday morning.  We will patrol the routes on Betty Creek.   Whatever we didn’t finish on Saturday, we will complete on Sunday before returning home.  These annual route patrols are a vital service we provide that allows us a chance to not only inspect our wheelchair platforms for any needed maintenance, but also to cut away winter deadfall, ensuring that sportsmen/women with disabilities have access to the entire route provided.  It also gives us a chance to work side by side for a common good and enjoys each other’s company in the spirit of fellowship.  Don’t feel like you have to stay overnight on the mountain with us.  If you can only make it for the day – we would love to have you!    Contact Ken McNaughton for information and directions access@inwc.org  

*Volunteers Needed* Disabled Access Patrol

Committee chair, Ken McNaughton, will head up early on Friday to establish a camp site. Those who wish to can join us Friday, or just drive up on Saturday morning.  We will patrol the routes on Brewer & Mitchell Mtns.   Whatever we didn’t finish on Saturday, we will complete on Sunday before returning home.  These annual route patrols are a vital service we provide that allows us a chance to not only inspect our wheelchair platforms for any needed maintenance, but also to cut away winter deadfall, ensuring that sportsmen/women with disabilities have access to the entire route provided.  It also gives us a chance to work side by side for a common good and enjoys each other’s company in the spirit of fellowship.  Don’t feel like you have to stay overnight on the mountain with us.  If you can only make it for the day – we would love to have you!    Contact Ken McNaughton for information and directions access@inwc.org  

*Volunteers Needed* Disabled Access Patrol

Committee chair, Ken McNaughton, will head up early on Friday to establish a camp site. Those who wish to can join us Friday, or just drive up on Saturday morning.  We will patrol the routes on Aladdin Mtn & Squirrel Meadows.   Whatever we didn’t finish on Saturday, we will complete on Sunday before returning home.  These annual route patrols are a vital service we provide that allows us a chance to not only inspect our wheelchair platforms for any needed maintenance, but also to cut away winter deadfall, ensuring that sportsmen/women with disabilities have access to the entire route provided.  It also gives us a chance to work side by side for a common good and enjoys each other’s company in the spirit of fellowship.  Don’t feel like you have to stay overnight on the mountain with us.  If you can only make it for the day – we would love to have you!    Contact Ken McNaughton for information and directions access@inwc.org  

ADA Open House

The Inland Northwest Wildlife Council, and its Disabled Access Team of Ken McNaughton and Ron Zubrick, invites you to join them for a day filled with information for those who have disabilities that create barriers, but still want to enjoy the great outdoors and all it has to offer. You will gain information on new disabled hunter access permit regulations, hear about existing local programs, assistive devices available for disabled sportsmen and locations provided for disabled sportsmen. With many area citizens having barriers that prevent them from fully enjoying our opportunities to hunt, fish, observe wildlife, or enjoy the outdoors, we will share ways to improve accessibility and increase opportunities. If you have a disability or know someone who does and want to regain the thrill of fishing, hunting, and wildlife viewing, then make plans to join us. Lunch is provided! Door Prize for one lucky disabled sportsman/woman: a one-day guided Chinook/Sockeye trip on the Columbia River, donated by John Sowell and “Fishin’4All.” Wow! Please RSVP at 509-487-8552 Inland Northwest Wildlife Council

ADA Open House

If you’re a hunter, angler, or wildlife viewer with disabilities or know someone who is – Bring them to the INWC’s ADA Open House where our volunteer will share information about: *How to apply for disabled status/veteran and non-veteran *Hunting access to public and private property *Special programs designed for outdoorsmen with disabilities We will also have guest speakers representing the US Forest Service, Washing Fish & Wildlife Department, Northwest Sportsman’s Club, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Hunting with Heroes, and more!   RSVP today: (509) 487-8552 – info@inwc.org Free to attend and lunch will be provided Saturday April 9th – doors open at 9:30

Volunteer Opportunity – Disabled Hunting Route Patrols

For the past several years the Disabled Access Committee (all of us) have spent a lot of time in the woods.  Last year, despite COVID, we were still very busy inspecting existing wheelchair ramps/platforms, repairing some, and built two brand new ones, and installing those two on Aladdin Mtn, installing a refurbished platform on the upper side of Rustlers Gulch, and returning two from Betty Cr to the warehouse where they have each been refurbished and are now ready for deployment at Squirrel Meadows, and Blanchard Hump.  Along with inspecting the existing platforms, several required a lot of work just to gain access to them.  Along the way we found a lot of deadfall, which of course required removal.  Some of this work required coordination with the USFS for access, and the last of it was not completed until after hunting season opened.  In November, as I was debriefing the Colville NF District supervisor, whom I have coordinated with for the past several years, re: all our activity over the season, he tossed an idea past me that I brought to the INWC board for discussion and approval.  Then Marie, Pete, and myself had a conference call with him, and the Newport District Ranger about specifics.  Having approval from the board to move forward with this new endeavor, I am now sharing this project opportunity with you. Because we have earned their trust, we have entered a collaborative endeavor with the Colville National Forest to take care of the six routes within the forest that have been administratively closed – meaning they’re closed for disabled hunters access only – and not to include the road surface which we must always be mindful of, we have agreed to monitor the condition of those six gates, condition of the lock, or to report a missing lock, and then patrol those routes to ensure disabled sportsmen/women have adequate access to the entirety of each route to include all approves spurs of those routes.   This means cutting away deadfall, reporting problem trees (widow makers), and any tree that is too big for us to handle – and report it to them for their sawyers to remove.  Any route that has a wheelchair platform also means not only inspecting that platform, but it means saving time and travel by taking some spare material from the warehouse to repair a rogue handrail, or adding an extra screw here and there.  Observe the condition of the platform and ramp deck surface.  Could it use a coat of stain to help prolong life?  Make a note of it and it will be taken care of on the second trip of the season.  Yes, you heard that right.  They have asked us to patrol the route in late Spring/early Summer as soon as snow melt allows, and then a final trip in late summer before hunting season opens, no later than October 1st.  Since many families within the INWC gather together on weekends during the season with their ATV/UTV’s anyway, why not make part of the trip traveling trails you don’t normally have access to?  This opportunity is not just for those on the Disabled Access Committee, it’s for all of us.  If you’re interested in helping on any of these trips, there is a Forest Service form you need to add your name to at the office.  If you have any questions, please contact me,  Thanks in advance for all you do,  Ken McNaughton 

Disabled Hunting Access Program

March has arrived, which means that the application period for our disabled hunting access program on Inland Empire Paper Company (IEPC) lands has opened. Each year IEPC generously donates 25 access passes to the Inland Northwest Wildlife Council’s disabled access team for hunters with disabilities. The application is due on April 15, 2021 and can be downloaded by follow the link below. Drawing will be held on April 20, 2021 and winners will be notified shortly thereafter. Please return your completed application to the INWC office. 6116 N Market Street Spokane WA, 99208 office@inwc.org For more information on accessing Washington’s outdoors you can visit WDFW’s accessibility page, Also, our disabled access team leader, Ken McNaughton, shares information on the application process on the INWC YouTube page. Click Here to view that video.

ADA Platform Installation – Rustler’s Gulch

We need a crew to help install one of our ADA platforms at Rustler’s Gulch. Meet at the INWC warehouse at 0800 on Friday September 11, 2020. Contact Ken McNaughton (kmcnaughton71@gmail.com) for more information.