Big Game Recovery
The Big Game Recovery Committee’s purpose is to recover salvageable big game hit by vehicles and/or self-injured. Our all-volunteer crew goes through annual training to ensure public safety, especially when animals must be put down. The INWC operates under a special permit issued to us annually by the WDFW region 1 Director. After retrieval, the animal is taken to the Inland Northwest Wildlife Council where the animal is field-dressed, and the meat is taken to the local homeless shelter.
The Big Game Recovery committee is a volunteer group that recovers viable meat from animals hit by cars. Through this program, thousands of pounds of meat from elk, moose and deer are sent to the local shelters year round providing quality nutrition for those in need.
Unfortunately, we are unable to help with any rehabilitation of large game animals when they are injured nor can we remove expired animals that have been on the ground for the length of time, in which the animal has started to decompose.
Animals can only be retrieved from private property with the permission from the property owners.
For further information on this program or the Inland Northwest Wildlife Council please feel free to contact us.
Committee Chair:
Pete Butler (509) 599-9411