Disabled Access Route Clearing – Aladdin Mtn & Squirrel Meadows (Tiger & Blueslide)
For Route Patrols where we can cover two separate routes due to geographic proximity, part of the D.A. team will arrive ahead of the work day to set up a base camp. The actual work day will be the Saturday of the dates listed. Anyone wishing to be part of the project is welcome to camp the Friday night before, spend the day Saturday working the trails, inspecting/maintaining platforms, then join us for dinner at camp Saturday evening. UTV/ATV’s are welcome (stay on the trail). Due to our agreement with the USFS, we will patrol each of the following routes twice (in two phases) between spring and the first week of October. Contact our office or Committee Chair Ken McNaughton for more information or to RSVP. Office: (509) 487-8552 info@inwc.org Ken McNaughton: (509) 553-9135, inwc.ada@gmail.com