“My wife Laura & I joined the INWC at the Big Horn Show in 1994. It seemed like a good way to give something back to the fish & wildlife resources we enjoy. For us, it has become all that, and so much more! There have been many projects we have been a part of, including: habitat improvement for fish & wildlife, working with the WDFW on numerous wildlife projects (studies on deer, elk, moose, big horn sheep, caribou, mountain goats, cougar, bear, wolves and badgers).
We have worked on several habitat projects: tree & shrub planting, stream projects to create or improve fish habitat, fence building to keep cattle out of streambeds, removal of existing unused fence to prevent wildlife from getting caught up in it, repair of elk fence in the Blue mountains, building & installing houses for bluebirds, ducks, and bats (to name a few). We have also been involved with the Big Game Recovery crew, picking up road killed deer, elk, and moose in or near Spokane county, and processing them for delivery to Crown Foods in Spokane who prepares the meat for dispersal to various charities in our area.
The annual Big Horn show has given us opportunities to be a part of an amazing effort by many fine folks to give the people of the Inland Northwest and surrounding areas a great show where they can learn about the outdoors and outdoor activities available in our area. Probably the biggest “side benefit” of our involvement with the INWC has been the pleasure of meeting so many like minded outdoor folks, and the forging of solid, long term friendships with many of them!”
– Ken Hoff
” I joined the council a few years back when my oldest son started asking to hunt with us more. We are a family that spends a lot of time outdoors enjoying nature and everything that it has to offer, and the INWC mission just seemed to fit us. I realized I needed to be a part of an organization that is passionate about doing what is best for fish and wildlife and always maintaining a positive sportsman/woman’s image. I believe that being a part of the INWC will help to ensure that my children and theirs will get to enjoy this beautiful area that we live in with the freedom to hunt, fish and hike like I have. Since joining, my family has been a part of many of the activities and events that the INWC offers including the Big Horn Show and Kids Fishing Derby. Building the fishing poles for the derby was one of my family’s favorite things to do. Since joining my oldest child has completed their amazing Hunters Education Program and I am now a member of the Board of Directors. I am so very thankful for the INWC and look forward to many years working with such an amazing group of passionate people.”
– Alexis Creel
“What people may not know, is the INWC is not just a Rod and Gun Club. Sure we put on The Big Horn Show every year. Sure it caters to the outdoor enthusiasts, but we are more than that, much more. This is a whole family involved organization. Everything from Kids Fishing Day, Big Game recovery program, Disabled Hunter access, Land revitalizing and Hunters Education. The list, literally goes on!
I don’t think that we could have an organization like this without the great and countless volunteers. The INWC is the largest volunteer wildlife conservation group in Washington State. I have great memories and stories doing the many projects, I will carry them with me forever. I am proud to be a member and Past President of this great organization. If you want to give back, participate or just be around great people doing great things, then you can’t go wrong with the INWC!”
– David Cloe
2017-2018 INWC Past President
“My experience at the Inland Northwest Wildlife Council.
My first experience with the INWC was through Hunter Education class, took my son through the class when he was 14 in 1999, it was being held at the Teamsters Union Hall at that time, our current building was being built. The one thing I took away from the Hunter Ed team at that time was the professionalism of the instructors I actually thought how nice it would be to be part of a team that loves to teach about something they love. One of the Instructor asked if I would like to become an instructor. I gave it some thought, and decided to become an instructor. I have now been an instructor for 21 years. I was given an honorary membership to the INWC. In 2000 I was given the extraordinary new member award. At the 2000 board of trustee’s election I was elected to the board. It was a great feeling to have other wildlife enthusiasts trust me with their cares and concerns with wildlife and habitat issues. From there we move in to the Bighorn Outdoor Adventure Show. What a great experience that was, right away a founding member named Jerry Reiber took me under his wing and helped me learn about the move in to the show and the construction of the many INWC booths at the show. I am currently the construction chair of the BHS. There are many members willing to help and love to volunteer for the betterment of wildlife. I have been mentored by many senior members, just to mention a few Len Otto with carpentry, Jerry Reiber with Bighorn show and presidency, Vern Ziggler with presidency. I appreciated all their help, and hope to pass it on to the next member looking to make a difference for wildlife. In 2008 I was elected President of the INWC. That was an experience worth the journey. There are many ways to help or volunteer here at the INWC. We work closely with the Washington State Fish and Game Dept. They have projects that utilize volunteers, and we are a group of sportsmen and sportswoman, and conservationists that have a great passion for the conservation of wildlife. There are many projects within the INWC. Some we have done, Bat condos, Bluebird nest boxes, Owl nest boxes, Wood Duck nest boxes, Lake clean up, Big game recovery, Bighorn sheep study, Mule deer study, Whitetail study, and many others. I personally want to see the wildlife to be around for my kids and grandchildren to enjoy. Here at the INWC I am currently the Backyard habitat chair, the Waterfowl chair, Hunter Ed instructor, BHS Construction chair, Board member, and 1st. Vice president. I have received many awards along the way. But the biggest reward of all is the people that make the INWC what it is. I am glad to be part of an organization that has withstood many adversities with other organizations that try to take away what we here all love.
I have always had a passion for wildlife, when I was a young boy I would catch as many critters as I could and try and make them pets, but as we all know wildlife are not meant to be pets. One of the types of wildlife I caught was a whole family of baby ducks and raised them. Dug a small pond in my parents back yard fenced it off, and watched them grow. We moved to a new house with a larger property, I moved the ducklings with me dug another pond, winter came and my family of ducks flew south. In the spring 5 of the duck came back, just to say hi or thanks, then they were off to raise their own families. What a great experience that was. To this day I have a great passion for waterfowl, just watching the migration or pursue them as table fare. I have mentored many new waterfowl enthusiasts. Hope to see you all out doing what you love. Be it fishing, hunting, golfing, watching wildlife, or whatever else you love doing in the outdoors.”
-Mike Curry
“For over 31 years i have been involved in the Wildlife Council, and it has been the best 31 years of my life. Working with Council members that soon became friends and many like family, along with the council partners through the years has brought me joy and fulfillment. The council has provided me with experiences as a volunteer, president and executive director that leaves me with many a story to tell and memories to share. Ask me about the capture of badgers, at midnight, in the rain, with 25 council volunteers, and afterwards at breakfast, around the camp fire, laughing about the greatest project ever. I have seen first hand the dedication of the Wildlife Council and the many volunteer members through the years that have worked so hard for our wildlife and their habitat in this organization that has held strong for over 65 years. I am proud to say that i am a part of that on going story, and can think of no other place i would have wanted to be for the last 31 years, working with this amazing organization and the people that are a part of its history of greatness.
Now on to the next INWC adventure.”
-Wanda Clifford