Latest Past Events

Camp Wooten Fence Project *Volunteers Needed*

Fences will be flying at the Wooten Wildlife Area June 2nd - June 4th!  INWC volunteers and Assistant Wildlife Manager, Kari Dingman, will meet for a weekend of camping, gourmet food, and hard work removing fencing to provide habitat connectivity for the Blue Mountain elk herds.   Thank you all for taking time out of your lives to help carry on this project that is an INWC tradition.   For more information contact our big game committee (509) 487-8552

*Volunteers Needed* Spokane Kid’s Fishing Rod Assembly

Inland Northwest Wildlife Council 6116 N Market Street, Spokane

Come one, come all – for fishing rod assembly night.  Kids Fishing Day is coming up soon (May 6th), and we will need all volunteers ready to go.  So, Thursday evening, April 20th, in the Council Hall – bring friends

Disabled Access Route Clearing – Brewer & Mitchell Mtn (Chewelah)

Join us a fun-filled weekend of serving together for a great cause: Clearing dead-fall from Forest Service routes reserved for hunters with disabilities. This will be a one-day project due to all the work we accomplished in phase one. This is a GROUP activity. ATV's & UTV's are welcome. Chainsaws, loppers, and gloves needed. Mark your calendars. Call Ken McNaughton if you have any questions. Office: (509) 487-8552 Ken McNaughton: (509) 553-9135,